bio-assay for IL-4

mbdxm at my-deja.com mbdxm at my-deja.com
Fri Feb 11 05:46:03 EST 2000

Hi Kris,
The cell line you want is TF-1, you can get it from the european cell/
tissue bank. Its a common cell line and is GM-CSF dependent. In the
absence of GM-CSF, IL4 or il13 will induce proliferation but only over a
couple of days, not long term.

hope this helps


In article <v01540b01b4c720c82fd0@[]>,
  kthielem at fysp.vub.ac.be (kris thielemans) wrote:
> Hello,
> I desperately looking for a cell line to measure the bio-activity of human IL-4.
> Could anyone provide me with such a cell line.
> Thanks in advance
> Regards, Kris
> Kris Thielemans, MD, PhD                        Building E / Room 234
> Laboratory of Physiology                        103, Laarbeeklaan
> Medical School                                  B-1090 Brussels
> Vrije Universiteit Brussel                      Ph.: 32 2 477 4569 or 4566
>                                                 FAX: 32 2 477 4568
> ---

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