How to remove bovine immunoglobulins?

Woongjai woongjai at aol.com
Tue Feb 15 22:57:01 EST 2000

Hi, K.S.Nandakumar

We had the same problem before. These day we passed the FBS through the protein
G column and elute the Bovine IgG until the Bovine IgG is completely removed. 
You should perform this at 4oC to prevent the bacterial growth during passsing
through. Then, filter the serum by 0.2 um membrane. Now, all Bovine IgG is
You can try commercial low FCS hybridoma media, but it is a little expensive
and there are still bovine IgG included, too.
I think it is impossible to get real pure mABs. 
You may have to use specific anti-your mAB isotype column at the final step.

Good luck,
Woong-Jai Won

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