help teen with project

sean hockeyst at concentric.net
Tue Feb 22 12:48:44 EST 2000

******Could you Please Email me directly as I do not always have access to

I am a 17 year old senior science student at Saginaw Arts and Sciences
Acadamy in Saginaw ,MI. I am working on a research/science fair project
and by objective this year is the detection of valium like drugs
(benzodiazepines) in aqueous solutions. I am trying to design a test strip
that will have a color change in the presence of the drug. I have found
both mono and poly clonal antibodies for benzodiazepine that can be used
with BSA as a color indicator.  Seeing that the drug is not a protein I am
wondering if the antibodies will stick to the drug it self or would
actually stick to its metabolites after it is screted out the human body.
The solution will not enter the human body prior to testing. I want to
know if this type of immunoassay would work for me. Or if any one has a
better idea of detecting this drug in solution I would greatly appreciate
any feedback.

Thank you in advance

Sean A Tabacsko
hockeyst at concentric.net

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