Peritoneal macrophage harvest

Tony Schountz tschount at mesastate.edu
Thu Feb 24 14:59:10 EST 2000

I'm having a bit of a problem that I hope someone might be able to help
me with. I'm trying to harvest peritoneal macrophages from deer mice,
but the cells that I get do not look like macrophages because they do
not adhere to tissue culture plates. My protocol is to inject deer mice
and BALB/c with 1.5 ml of 3% thioglycolate then harvest 3-5 days later.
The BALB/c clearly give us macrophages, but the deer mice do not. Any
suggestions for alternative macrophage harvesting?



Tony Schountz, Ph.D.
Department of Biological Sciences
Mesa State College
mailto:tschount at mesastate.edu

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