combined IHC and ISH protocol

Martin Maurer martin.maurer at pio1.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Feb 28 10:54:09 EST 2000

combined ISH and IHC protocols are described in:
(1) Wisden W, Morris B (1994) In situ hybridizytion. Protocols for the Brain. Academic Press. London. chap. 9
(2) Hockfield S et al. (1993) Selected methods for antibody and nucleic acid probes. Cold spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
- Dr. med. Martin H. Maurer
Dept. of Physiology and Pathophysiology
University of Heidelberg, Germany

admar at iname.com schrieb:

> dear fellow-researchers,
> for quite some time now, I've been looking for a good protocol that combines both immunohistochemistry (IHC) and in situ hybridization (ISH) on single cryosections. preferably one that has proven to work for fluorescence/confocal microscopy. who can help me?
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