steroid dosage and immunology

Laurentiu Cocea l.cocea at utoronto.ca
Fri Jul 14 00:02:01 EST 2000

hmm, i am very curious as to how (and whether) you, or someone else, will
find the answer to this question. obviously, one cannot calculate it. to
determine this dose experimentally, one would have to do experiments on
humans, which is, in principle, not possible. moreover, the dose that would
totally supress the immune system would also likely affect other organ
systems to such an extent that it would be very difficult to know whether
the effect is due to immune supression or to global system malfunction.


"neurogolf" <0792259 at eudoramail.com> wrote in message
news:gF9a5.74162$HK2.1295733 at news20.bellglobal.com...
> The problem I encounter is to determine the steroid dose required to
> total suppression of the immunological system in man. Anybody have an
> to this with reference if possible? This is either in a mg/kg or total
> with prednisone as the base of reference.
> Any help is wellcome.

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