THE FAUCI FILES, 3( 35): Clerici: HIV Cocktails Shut Down Immune Response !

W. Fred Shaw fredshaw at primenet.com
Mon Mar 6 14:27:08 EST 2000

THE FAUCI FILES, 3( 35): Clerici: HIV Cocktails Shut Down Immune
Response !

May 6, 2000

Under the tutelage of NIH/NIAID Director Dr. Anthony "Mussolini" Fauci,
the budget-dictating bureaucrat behind HIV/AIDS research disaster
in America for the past two decades (the 80's, 90's and now the 00's),
let's take a close look at the "pinnacle" of Fauci's "leadership",
which we all know is the HIV cocktail "standard of care", otherwise
known as HAART (for Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy, which
has recently lost it's "HA", and is now smugly called "ART", with
a tinge of grim humor).

Here are the golden words from the one who is one of Europe's 
greatest and most ethical HIV/AIDS researcher, Dr. Mario Clerici, who
has written the HA-ART epitaph in the January 28, 2000 edition
of the AIDS journal, where his team decisively compared the 
immunological profiles of the HAART-treated with the immunological 
profiles of antiretroviral-naive patients, both with undetectable

   "HAART is associated with weaker HIV-specific and 
    -non-specific immune responses."

   "Our results show that immune responses are potent in 
    antiretroviral-naive but significantly reduced in 
    HAART-treated patients with undetectable viraemia 
    (< 500 copies/ml)."

   ". . . T-cell proliferation to HIV-specific and HIV-unrelated 
    antigens is potent in antiretroviral-naive but suppressed 
    in HAART-treated individuals; . . ."

As predicted from the outset of THE FAUCI FILES, it looks like 
the ART Hoax, stripped of its "HA", has reached the end of its 
Hype Cycle.

As to Fauci and his Corporate Activist minions assigned to this
newsgroup, this would be a good time to get out of town.

Crooked Murdering Bastards!

W. Fred Shaw

By the way, the following article took eight (8) months to
be published (from submittal to publication) in a journal
which prides itself on the "fast track" publishing of
crucial treatment data. Now we understand the nature of the 
"fast track" litmus test for quick publication: the
article MUST NOT contradict a "standard of care" pharmaceutical 

Besides, one wouldn't think the AIDS journal wanted this
circulated prior to the recent San Francisco Pharmaceutical
HAART Hype-n-Schlock Conference.

Unlike the vast majority of the important AIDS journal articles,
good luck finding this one on the net as it is conspicuous
by its absence.


Clerici M,* Seminari E, Suter F, Castelli F, Pan A, Biasin M, Colombo F,
Trabattoni D, Maggiolo F, Carosi G, Maserti R (for the Master Group). 
Different immunologic profiles characterize HIV infection in highly 
active antiretroviral therapy-treated and antiretroviral-naive patients 
with undetectable viraemia. AIDS 2000 Jan 28; 14:109-116.

*Cattedra di Immunologia, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Via 
Venezian, 1, 20122 Milan, Italy. Tel: +390238210354; fax: +390238210350;
e-mail: mago at mailserver.unimi.it

Background: Suppression of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 
replication can be obtained in chronically infected individuals by 
highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and can also be observed in
antiretroviral-naive patients. The immunological correlates of these two
situations were examined.

Design and methods: Cross-sectional study involving 32 HIV-infected 
patients with undetectable HIV plasma viraemia (< 500 copies/ml) and 
either antiretroviral-naive (n = 14) or undergoing HAART therapy with 
two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) plus one (n = 13)
or two (n = 5) protease inhibitors (PI). CD4 counts, disease duration, 
and CDC clinical stage were comparable between the two groups of 
individuals. Immune parameters (antigen- and mitogen-stimulated 
proliferation and cytokine production; cytokine mRNA; beta chemokine 
production; HIV coreceptors mRNA) were analysed in all patients.

Results: Results showed immune profiles to be profoundly different in 
antiretroviral-naive in comparison with HAART-treated patients. Thus: 
(1) T-cell proliferation to HIV-specific and HIV-unrelated antigens is 
potent in antiretroviral-naive but suppressed in HAART-treated 
individuals; (2) interleukin-(IL)2, IL-12 and interferon gamma 
(IFNgamma) production is robust in naive patients; and (3) a high 
CCR5/low CXCR4 pattern of HIV coreceptors-specific mRNA is observed in 
naive but not in HAART-treated patients. In contrast with these 
observations, no clear differences were detected when beta chemokine 
production by either peripheral blood mononuclear cells or purified CD8+
T-cells was analysed. Results from HAART-treated patients undergoing 
therapy with one PI and two NRTI or two PI and two NRTI were in very 
close agreement.

Conclusions: These data suggest that control over HIV replication can be
independently achieved by pharmacological or immunologic means. HAART is
associated with weaker HIV-specific and -non-specific immune responses.


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