ELISA interpretation

Onyryc onyryc at free.fr
Tue Mar 21 14:21:30 EST 2000

The problem is that I've got a strange graph, Could I post you my results?

- Onyryc -
onyryc at free.fr
ICQ : 33104110
"Joe Chandler" <jchandler at mainebiotechnology.com> a écrit dans le message
news: ggLB4.2189$5O2.33109 at newsr1.maine.rr.com...
> If you have generated reference data, that is, applied standards in your
> assay, then you are all set.  Plot the values of your standards v. optical
> densitiy.  Then extrapolate your unknowns against the plot and multiply by
> the dilution.
> Bonne chance.

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