Looking for collaboration

InViTek GmbH info at invitek.de
Thu Mar 23 04:08:23 EST 2000

Dear reader,

We are looking for a collaboration with a 
scientist, who is interested in the immunological 
characterization of human blood cells with 
a newly made specific antibody against the 
human membrane-type 4 matrix-metalloproteinase 
(MT4-MMP). Please send us a description 
of your ideas and capabilities, if you want to 
test this antibody for the use e.g. as specific 
surface antigen for a subset of blood cells, 
for the correlation with cancer, arthritis 
or inflamation. Of course we provide this antibody 
for free, if we can participate on your results.

  Dr. Lutz Essers
  Invitek GmbH
  info at invitek.de

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) constitute a 
family of secreted and membrane-bound enzymes,
which hydrolyze extra-cellular matrix proteins. 
The proteinases affect proliferation, 
differentiation, migration and apoptosis of 
cells. They are involved in diverse physiological 
and pathological processes. MMPs are pharmacological 
targets for treatment of cancer, arthitis and 
inflammation. MT4-MMP transcripts are found in 
mainly brain, leukocytes, the colon, the ovary, 
and the testis. In addition MT4-MMP mRNA is 
transcribed in invasive and noninvasive breast 
carcinoma cell lines.


Invitek GmbH                     
Robert-Rossle-Str. 10
Biomedizinischer Forschungscampus
13125 Berlin Buch

Tel. ++49 (0)30 / 9489 3796  Fax ++49 (0)30 / 9489 3795


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