Anti human Calcitonin Receptor Antibody

=?big5?B?t6i/b75X?= 870629 at itri.org.tw
Tue Mar 28 22:12:38 EST 2000

I am looking for anti-human calcitonin receptor antibody, but it seems that no company has any product.

Please e-mail me , if you know any information that some companies have commercial products.

Thanks a lot.

Ying-Fang Yang
Biomedical Engineering Center;  Industrial Technology Research Institute
195-85 Sec. 4, Chung Hsing RD Chutung Hsinchu 310 Taiwan ROC
Tel: 886-3-5912152
Fax: 886-3-5910097
E-mail: 870629 at itri.org.tw

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