Mitomycin C treatment .

Naresh Sharma nsharma at imtech.ernet.in
Mon May 15 03:02:23 EST 2000

To whom it may concern

I work with Salmonella typhimurium . I give in vitro  infection to 
macrophage cell lines J774 , BMC-2, Raw264.7 at m.o.i. 10:1, i then go 
for mitomycin C treatment in order to kill intracellular bacteria and to 
apoptise the cells . The dosage i use is 25 microgm/ml for 1hr at 37C 7%CO2 ;
J774 yield after the treatment is about 80% of what is initially plated but
in case of BMC-2 it is 40% of actually plated .
Can anyone help me with the dosage or incubation time of mitomycin C 
treatment so that i can get more yield and the cell loss is minimum.

I shall be gratefull for your help.

Naresh Sharma (JRF)
Immunology Lab.

naresh76 at bigfoot.com


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