Question about Protein A purification of IgG

Christophe Pichon cpichon at club-internet.fr
Mon Oct 9 16:29:47 EST 2000

aeon a écrit :

> I am a Med.Sci. student who is really desiring the answers to these two
> questions for an upcoming report.
> 1. What is the molecular basis for the selective binding of IgG by protein
> A?

It is an affinity chromatography by hydrophobic interaction of antibody Fc and
protein A.

> 2. What is the difference between Protein A and Protein G in relation to
> their Ig class binding specificities?

Complexe,often the protein G is used to purifie mouse Ig ( low affinity in
comparaison with other species, eg rabbit, horse, human, rat,) and espacially
Ig G1 ( with hight salt buffer ).

> Thank you for your response.
> Aeon

              " Mi vida es un erïal:
       Flor que toco se deshoja;
  Que en mi camino fatal
  Alguien va sembrando el mal
  Para que yo le recoja. "

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