Myeloma drug trials in UK

theLabRat theLabRat at theLabRat.com
Sat Oct 14 06:51:20 EST 2000


Here is one trial at Leeds on multiple myeloma

Abstract:  Drugs used in chemotherapy use different ways to stop tumor cells
from dividing so they stop growing or die. Combining bone marrow or
peripheral stem cell transplantation with chemotherapy may allow the doctor
to give higher doses of chemotherapy drugs and kill more cancer cells.
Interferon alfa may interfere with the growth of cancer cells. It is not yet
known whether a more intensive chemotherapy regimen plus stem cell or bone
marrow transplant is more effective than standard chemotherapy in treating
patients with myeloma. PURPOSE: Randomized phase III trial to compare the
effectiveness of two different regimens of combination chemotherapy plus
interferon alfa with or without high dose melphalan or bone marrow or
peripheral stem cell transplantation in treating patients with previously
untreated myeloma.

Jeff Fairman, Ph.D.

http://www.thelabrat.com - Check out our cow and snow leopard lab coats!!!

Samantha <sam at NOSPAMnumber13.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:8rteb0$hq1$1 at newsg3.svr.pol.co.uk...
> Hello.
> I recently heard in the news that there is to be a trial of a new drug to
> treat myeloma. All I know is that the trial is to be conducted in Leeds.
> Does anyone have the name of the hospital or the doctor involved?
> TIA, Samantha.

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