Position open in cytokine research

Komisar, Jack L Dr. WRAIR-Wash DC Jack.Komisar at NA.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL
Mon Oct 16 14:38:31 EST 2000

The Department of Experimental Pathology, Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research, Silver Spring, Maryland, is seeking a research scientist to
conduct basic and applied research for development of immunotherapeutics for
staphylococcal enterotoxin intoxications.  The candidate should have a
doctoral degree in medicine,  immunology, microbiology, molecular biology,
pharmacology, or closely related fields. In addition, the candidate should
have at least two-year research experiences in pathobiology or molecular
biology of cytokines, chemokines or inflammatory mediators.  Interested
candidates should contact Dr. Jeenan Tseng or Dr. Jack Komisar at the
following e-mail addresses:

	Dr. Jeenan Tseng:  jeenan.tseng at na.amedd.army.mil
<mailto:jeenan.tseng at na.amedd.army.mil>

	Dr. Jack Komisar: jack.komisar at na.amedd.army.mil
<mailto:jack.komisar at na.amedd.army.mil>


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