E-selectin- Santa Cruz: mouse, human, rat reactive web site is -www.scbt.com
CD68- ZYMED human , mouse ? web siteis- www.zymed.com
Jerome Jayasekera wrote:
> Does anyone know where I can obtain antibodies to CD62E(E-selectin) and
> CD68? I want to use these antibodies in immunohistochemistry to stain mouse
> formalin-fixed paraffin embeded tissue sections. I have already looked
> through abcam.com and sciquest.com without success. Thanks.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jerome Jayasekera
> Department of Pathology
> Blackburn Building, D06.
> University of Sydney, NSW, 2006.
> Australia
>> Phone - 61 2 9351 6150
> Fax - 61 2 9351 3429
> E-mail - jeromej at pathology.usyd.edu.au>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> ---