Mouse TCR beta locus reference

Mark Haynes Mark.Haynes at Mail.TJU.Edu
Fri Sep 1 13:21:12 EST 2000

Here are some references you might want in your file
Toyonaga et al PNASv82:8624,1985
Garcia et al Sciencev279:1166,1998
Pannetier et al PNASv90:4319,1993

Tony Schountz wrote:

> I'm having trouble finding a paper that describes the sequence structure
> of the mouse T cell receptor beta locus. I have located the genbank
> entries (all three) but there is no paper referenced in the files. A
> medline search has not prove fruitful. I did locate the human TCRb paper
> (Rowen et al.). Does anyone know if a mouse paper exists?
> Thanks,
> Tony
> --
> Tony Schountz, Ph.D.
> Department of Biological Sciences
> Mesa State College
> mailto:tschount at mesastate.edu

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