T cell adhesion

Mark Haynes Mark.Haynes at Mail.TJU.Edu
Fri Sep 1 13:25:39 EST 2000

I've also stimulated human T cells with a combinationof cd3/cd28 coated
onto plastic.  I didn't notice that the growing cells were 'stuck' but I
can understand that it should happen when the ab:ag complex in the bound
condition.  Still, the no CA+ cold salt solution should get them off,
what kind of yield are you concerned with.
About beads, you may be able to purchase anti-cd3 but you can coat your
own beads with 'old technology' cnbr-beads and chemistry should do the
vvasta at hotmail.com wrote:

> T cells adhere to plastic coated with anti cd3 abs, I wonder if they
> adhere even when stimulated with soluble cd3  as they are activated
> ---

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