Announcement of NetChop v1.0

Can Kesmir kesmir at cbs.dut.dk
Thu Sep 28 07:01:03 EST 2000

ANNOUNCEMENT: NetChop 1.0 prediction (web)server.


 For prediction of proteasomal cleavages. Proteasomes, major proteolytic components
 in eukaryotic cells, play an important part in the host immune response, as
 they generate major histocompatibility class I (MHC I) ligands. Prediction of
 proteasomal cleavage sites is a difficult task because the enzymatic
 specificity is highly complex, and the data available is very sparse.

 The server, based on artificial neural networks, is trained on experimentally
 verified, naturally processed cleavage sites  (i.e. MHC I ligands). The method
 is able to predict most of the assigned non-cleavage sites, and has a somewhat
 lower performance on the assigned cleavage sites, reflecting the stochastic
 nature of proteasomal activity. This tool, in combination with a predictor of
 MHC binding capacity, would give a more complete prediction of the generation
 and presentation of peptides on MHC I molecules.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Can Kesmir
  Centre for Biol. Seq. Anal.            Email: kesmir at cbs.dtu.dk
  Dept of Biotech, Bldg-208                Tel:  +45-4525-2472
  The Technical Univ of Denmark       Fax: +45-4593-1585
  Lyngby, DK-2800, Denmark
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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