IL4 assay

Bryan Heit bjheit at ucalgary.ca
Thu Sep 28 21:40:01 EST 2000

You may want to try fMLP (available from Peninsula Labs).  The only problem with
this protein is that it activates the neutrophils, so you will get a lot of
other stuff produced as well.  The optimal concentration for fMLP is ~0.1um (at
least for neutrophils), but I'm not sure what time frame would be best for
stimulating IL-4 production.

Hope this helps


Jens Rainer Hansen wrote:

> I am going to set up an IL4 assay on human lymphocytes (PBMC). Does anybody
> know what to stimulate with (PHA, PMA etc), how long, conc. etc. to get some
> IL4 in the supernatant ?
> Jens Rainer

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