If you want your own no hassle Credit Card Merchant Account
With absolutely no setup fees. Read on...
We have a 95% approval rate!
Good credit, bad credit, no credit -- no a problem!
This Means *You*, yes *YOU* can be accepting Credit Cards TODAY!
If you would like to speak to someone right now, we would be more
then happy to answer any questions you might have, please provide:
**Your Phone Number:
**Best time to call:
You can now accept:
Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover, Debit cards,
ATM and Check by fax!
Anyone is welcome:
Internet Auctions!, Websites!, Retail stores, Home Business.
You will also have the ability to accept E-checks over the Internet
Did I mention that everything runs on the most secure servers in
the world! As well you have the ability to do all of this over
the phone for those customers who have yet to trust the security
on the Internet!
You will never miss another sale!
We can handle ANY business and client type!
If you already have a merchant account we can lower your rates
substantially with the most competitive rates in the industry and
state of the art equipment and software. We will tailor a program
to fit your budget and you wont pay a premium for this incredible
Please help your business grow, you deserve it!
How much longer can you accept checks?
Don't lose your customers to your competition!
We are here to help, We can provide you with the information you
need to make a sound decision, please provide:
Your Phone Number: ( ) -
Best time to call:
(All information is kept securely and will never be shared with
a third party)
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this email with the subject "Remove" and you will not receive
future emails from our company.