Apoptosis induction

nospam at our.site nospam at our.site
Mon Aug 20 03:42:38 EST 2001

This message has been posted by:  Derek Davies <derek.davies at REMOVE-THIS-TO-SENDukonline.co.uk>

In article <9kekvl$15io28 at hkunae.hku.hk>, "EddieWK" 
<ewkip at hkucc.hku.hk> wrote:
> Anyone have experience in inducing apoptosis on particular human cells, 
> like
> Jurkat cells?  I would like to know how to efficiently generate high
> percentage of apoptotic cells (early apoptotic, i.e annexin V+ / PI-).  I
> did try to use UVB to induce apoptosis of Jurkat cells, but results not
> consistant.

You could try a low concentration of staurosporine (1 uM) or 
camptothecin (100 ug/ml) - generally you would be able to pick up 
apoptotic changes by about 4-5 hours after induction.


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