Question about immunoprecipitation

Gloria Tabarés gtabares at fc.udg.es
Fri Feb 2 12:16:54 EST 2001


I'm working with a glycoprotein with an isoelectric point near 9 and with a
molecular weight about 15000Da. I'm trying to immunoprecipitate it with a
murine monoclonal antibody IgG1 and sepharose beads with protein L and,
also,   with a rabbit polyclonal antibody against the same protein and with
protein A. But I cannot immunoprecipitate all the glycosilated fractions of
this protein, particulary the fractions of highest molecular weight.

Do you know how can I improve my results or where can I find diferent
protocols about immunoprecipitation of small proteins?

Thank you!

Àrea de Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular
Dpt. Biologia
Facultat de Ciències
Universitat de Girona
Tel. 972 418 370
e-mail: gtabares at xamba.udg.es

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