Pichon laurent.pichon at u-bourgogne.fr
Thu Feb 8 09:17:35 EST 2001

The University of Bourgogne, France, has a post doctoral position available
for one year, in the department of Comparative Immunology.
We are currently studying the cellular and molecular aspects of the
evolution of the immune system in the urodele amphibian Axolotl Ambystoma
If you are interested, please forward a letter of application, your CV, and
names of references to :
Dr Laurent Pichon
Laboratory of Comparative Immunology
UMR 5548 "Développement-Communication Chimique"
Université de Bourgogne
Faculté des Sciences
6, boulevard Gabriel
21000 Dijon, FRANCE

Email: Laurent.Pichon at u-bourgogne.fr
Tel:  33 3 80 39 37 75
Fax:  33 3 80 39 63 09
Visit our web site : http://www.u-bourgogne.fr/ZOOLOGIE/
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