Lenny Sanders rabeez at ihug.co.nz
Sun Jul 15 21:12:23 EST 2001

Hello people, I hope you can give me some advice...

I'm looking into 'Legionella' - all species, pathogenicity, epidemiology,
characteristics - everything.

I've tried accessing journals, but most deal with in-depth research and the
like.  While all this is good, I would like material a little more easier to
understand.  Textbooks only mention so much about this bacteria, and
journals, online sources etc seem to be a good starting point to finding
documents, images etc.

The main bulk of what I have found deals with:

epidemiology - water supply and air conditioning, aquatic amoeba etc
virulence - intracellular activity, and iron loading

Can anyone help me to source other aspects of this bug, any and all
materials, places to look etc will be very appreciated.  Sites such as the
CDC so far have been golden, others are far to technical for my purposes.
I'm only a 4th yr student, not a post-grad doing research!!

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