Sequencers, synthesizers, Mass Specs, MALDIs and NMRs for sale:
*Peptide and oligo synthesizers and sequencers:
ABI 377: $12,500. 36-lane including ABI install.
ABI 377: $19,500. 64-lane; price includes ABI install.
ABI 377: $29,000. 96-lane; ABI install included
ABI 377: $19,500. 96-lane; guaranteed installable or right of return.
Genescan OR Genotyper: $5,000 ea. Licensed Mac software for the 377, 310
or 373.
ABI 310: $28,000. Good working order.
MegaBace 1000: $150,000. .
ABI 373 stretch: $9,000. Big Dye upgrade.
Li-Cor 4000LS: <$20,000. 1994 model.
Expedite 8909 w/ M.O.S.S.: $23,000. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
ABI 394: $12,500. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
ABI 392: $10,500. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
ABI 3948: $20,000. Working well in lab now.
ABI 390Z: $10,500. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
Beckman 1000M: $11,000. Excellent condition; guaranteed.
ALF Express: $10,000. 1996 model; recently PM'd.
ABI 5700: $26,000. Taqman; includes 9600 thermalcycler.
ABI 430: $10,500. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty.
ABI 431: $19,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty.
ABI 432: $15,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty.
ABI 433: $34,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty.
ACT LabTech III: $15,000; 30-day warranty.
ABI 477: <= $5,000.
PerSeptive 9050+: $11,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty.
ACT 396 MPS: $42,000. Factory refurb; includes 120-day warrantee.
PerSeptive 9600: $6,000. Working in lab.
PerSeptive Pioneer: $55,000. W/ MPS option (16 simultaneous). 1.5 yrs.
[Note: various other Applied Biosystems, HP, Millipore, Biosearch,
Beckman, etc. sequencers, synthesizers etc. available; please inquire.].
Sciex API 3000: $200,000. Windows data sys; incl. install & 30-day warr,
heated neb + turboion
Finnigan LCQ Classic: $85,000. API, APCI, installed, 45-day warranty.
Sciex API 365: $85,000. Installed, guar. ok for AB service contract.
Sciex API 300: $55,000. Installed w/ 30-day warranty.
Sciex API III+: $48,000. Triple quad: ES, APCI; +$15K/intall w/ 90-day
Finnigan Navigator: $55,000. Install & 90-day warr. included.
Finnigan TSQ 7000: $65,000. API-2; incl. install + warranty.
Finnigan SSQ 7000: $40,000. ES, APCI; Excalibur; API 1 source; install
HP 1100 MSD: $55,000. Model A; guaranteed working to OEM specs. B & D
upgrades available.
Finnigan MAT 900: $75,000. Offers considered. EI, ES, APCI.
Finnigan MAT 95: $260,000. ES, APCI, FAB, thermospray, GC source, install,
delivery, 1 yr. warr. included.
Finnigan MAT 90: $15,000.
HP 5989: $25,000 Electrospray; 2000 amu.
(Service and service contracts available for PESciex API 3000, 365 and
Voyager DE RP: $99,000. <5 yrs. old; very little use; newly PMd.
Voyager DE: ~$50,000. Working fine.
Bruker Biflex: call for details.
Thermo/Finnigan Dynamo linear DE: $39,000. Includes West Coast install,
90-day warranty.
LaserTec II: $75,000. By PerSeptive. 5 yrs. old; excellent condition.
Navigator: call for price. 1998; virtually unused. Thermosep HPLC, robotic
liquid handling, current software.
Finnigan MAT Vision 2000 Reflectron: $80,000 Includes install, 1 year
Bruker AMX 600: $295,000. Installation included.
Bruker AM 500: $85,000 installed.
Varian Unity 500: $165,000. Pulsed field gradients; includes install &
Bruker 400 magnet: $45,000. 98mm hi-res widebore; install included; iffy
console free.
Bruker AM 300: $60,000. Install, 2-yr. warranty included; shipping extra.
Bruker AM 300 widebore: $60,000. Install, 2-yr. warr. included; shipping
Varian Gemini 300: $59,000. Broadband; 4 probes; includes install/warranty
Bruker AC 250: $55,000. Install, 2-year warr. included; shipping extra.
Bruker AM 250: $55,000. Install, 2-year warr. included; shipping extra.
Bruker AM 360: $65,000. Widebore; install, 2-year warr. included; shipping
Bruker AC 200: $55,000. Install, 2-yr. warr. included; shipping extra.
Bruker QE 300: $79,000. TecMag Libra Power Mac; includes install.
JEOL 270: $69,000. TecMag Libra Power Mac; includes install.
*Other expensive hi-tech items:
Transgenomix WAVE nucleic acid fragment analysis system w/ 2-plate
upgrade: $45,000.
Affymetrix GeneArray Scanners (have 2) @ ~$68,000; Affymetrix Genechip
stations (have 3) @ ~$25,000.
Scitec liquid handler, 3-meter rail: $60,000 guaranteed working.
Orca liquid handler w/ 3-meter rail: call to discuss price.
Applied Biosys 6700 Nucleic Acid Workstation: call for price.
Genomic Solutions GeneTAC microarray Hybridization Station: <=$45,000.
BioRobotics BioPick automatic colony picker. Excellent condition.
Process Engineers 29 liter mammalian cell bioreactor, new/unused, ~$35,000
or best offer.
Pharmacia Smart System: cost: $65,000 new; asking: $40,000. Used only a
few hours. Complete w/ manuals, software, cables, etc.
*Too hard to classify:
Beckman Multimek 96: $39,000, guaranteed ok for service contract
Hamilton Microlab 2200: $5,000.
ABI 877 Catalyst Turbo: $12,000.
PE 9600 thermocyclers: $4,500 guaranteed working.
Beckman P/ACE 5500: $25,000.
MD Phosphorimager 445SI incl. personal densitometer: $19,000.
MD Personal Densitometer SI -- call to discuss price.
MD PhosphorImager Model 425E: make offer.
MD PhosphorImager Model 475: $15,000; guaranteed working to specs.
MD FluorImager 575; asking: $18,500.
MD Cytosensor, ~ 50% of new price.
Hitachi Model H-600AB transmission electron microscope, < $20,000.
3rd party service for Sciex/API, Finnigan and MicroMass mass specs and
Bruker NMRs.
We rebuild valve blocks for ABI 43x and 39x @: $65/port, 90-day warranty.
Service and contracts on ABI 39n and PerSeptive 8909/8905s available.
*Also available:
HPLCs, ICs, CEs, FPLCs: microbore to prep scale: HP, Beckman, Waters,
Gilson, etc.
Gilson, Beckman, Tecan, Packard robots/liquid handlers.
A variety of other lab instruments.
Please call or email with your request. I'm also interested in instruments
you may have to sell.
[If you do not wish to receive my emails, please return this with "Remove"
in the subject line, and accept my apologies for the inconvenience.]
Michael Sherrell
Grizzly Analytical (USA)
707 887 2919/fax 707 887 9834