[Immunology] Update in Infectious Diseases

Burt, Charlotte c.burt at imperial.ac.uk
Fri Aug 26 11:45:22 EST 2005

Update in Infectious Diseases: A Two Day Course at Imperial College London


January 16th & 17th 2006



Day 1 

Microbial Pathogenesis

Infection & Immunity



Day 2

Emerging Infectious Diseases

Infection Control & Epidemiology


International faculty of speakers includes:

Prof. Didier Pittet, Geneva University Hospital

Prof Graham Rook, University College London

Prof. Geoff Smith FRS, Imperial College London

Prof. Brian Spratt FRS, Imperial College London


Delegate Fees: 

Full course: Academic £500, Industry £750, Trainees £400

One day: Academic £300, Industry £500, Trainees £250


For further information contact: c.burt at imperial.ac.uk

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