Sequencers, synths, mass specs, MALDIs, etc. available

Michael Sherrell grizzly at 2xtreme.net
Tue Jan 4 18:27:43 EST 2005

Sequencers, synthesizers, mass specs, MALDIs, liquid
   handlers, cytometers etc. from Grizzly Analytical

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 Expedite 8909: $14,500. Includes M.O.S.S, rebuilt w/ new ABI valves, 
    90-day warranty. + $3,500/trityl.
 ABI 394: $14,200. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
 ABI 394: $19,900. Trityl, MAC, rebuilt: about as good as the new 3400.
 ABI 392: $12,200. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
 ABI 391: $11,750. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
 ABI 3948: $25,000. Rebuilt/installed w/ 90-day warranty.
 ABI 3948: $7,500. Worth $25,000 as tradein for new ABI 3900.
 ABI 390Z: $11,000. Rebuilt/warranteed.
 AKTA OligoPilot: $45,000. DNA/RNA synth. New data sys w/ license;
    guranteed good working order.
 GeneMachines PolyPlex DNA/RNA synthesizer: $89,000 installed & guaranteed.
 Beckman 1000M: $11,000. Excellent condition; guaranteed.
 CyClone: $7,500. New-in-box; 90 day parts warranty. Similar to ABI 392.
 Biosearch 8700: $10,000. Rebuilt; Phoenix upgrade (>35% 
   efficiency gain), 90-day warr.
 BioSearch 8750: $10,500. Rebuilt; Phoenix upgrade (>35%
    efficiency gain), 90-day warr.
 Biosearch 8700: $8,000. Rebuilt; 90-day warr. + $2K/Windows.
 BioSearch 8750. ~$4,000. Have 5; cheaper & faster than 394s.
 Cruachem PS250. <=$2,500. 6 available.
 MacConnell MiniPrep 48 (for DNA Purification): $6,000. Used once. 
    48 samples/hr. Specs: www.macconnell.com/specs_48.htm

*High throughput synthesizers:
 BLP 192: $125,000. 2 plates, 8 min. cycle time. New; incl. install + 1 yr. warr.
 TAGC 96: $95,000. Fast; optimized for small-scale up to 50 bases.
 MerMade 192: Offers considered. Fully refurbed, guaranteed. Call/email
    if interested.
 Polygen 10. Call if interested.

 Appx. 9,000 gal. acetylnitrile available at a substantial savings --
    contact us if interested.

 ABI 3130XL: $99,000(!). Includes factory install.
 ABI 3730 48-lane: $165,000. Includes factory install.
 ABI 3100: $70,000. Includes factory install.
 ABI 3100 Avant: $55,000. 4-capillary. Includes factory install.
 ABI 310: $25,000. Mac. Includes factory install; guar. eligible for service.
 ABI 310: $34,000. PC. Includes factory install; guar. eligible for service.
 ABI 310 lasers: rebuilt; full warrantee; ~2/3 price of new; install
    available. Call for info.
 ABI 3700: $25,000. From major genome center; beautifully maintained.
 ABI 3700: $9,000. Complete; was working on deinstall.
 ABI 377: $12,000. 96-lane; factory install incl., eligible for service.
 ABI 377 service contracts: call/email for quote. Price depends on location.
 ABI 377 lasers: rebuilt; full warrantee; ~2/3 price of new; install
    available. Call for info.
 Genescan: $5,000. Licensed software for the 377, 310 or 373.
 ABI 373 stretch: $9,000. Big Dye upgrade.
 MegaBace 1000: $22,000. Incl. installation by manufacturer.
 Pharmacia ALF Express: $14,000, incl. 90-day parts & labor warr.
 LiCor 4200: $15,000. Incl. Global Upgrade; guaranteed installable.
 LiCor 4000LS <: $20,000. 1994 model; can have Global Upgrade.
 Genomyx LR: $2,500. Boots; many accessories.
 MJ Basestation 51. Call for pricing. No robotic loading, 2 years old.
 MJ Research Basestation: $59,000. W/ automatic sample loading. 2 yrs. old; 

**Real-time PCR:
 ABI 7900HT: $65,000. Installed/warranteed.
 ABI 7700: $25,000. Installed/warranteed.
 ABI 7000: $23,000. Installed/warranteed. 2002 model.
 BioRad iCycler: $32,000. 90-day warranty.

**Peptide synthesizers:
 ABI 433: $39,500. Original, ABI-supportible 433; 90-day warr.
 ABI 433: $31,000. Upgraded from 431. We support. Rebuilt, 90-day warr.
 ABI 431: $18,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warr.
 ABI 430: $12,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty.
 ABI 432: $15,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty.
 Capriccio 1: $65,000. New instrument. Benchtop, large scale; faster and
   more efficient than ACT 400. Incl. install, 1 yr svc.
 PerSeptive 9500: $12,750. Rebuilt w/ 90-day warranty.
 PerSeptive 9050: $16,000. Rebuilt w/ 90-day warranty.
 CS Bio 336. ~$27,000. 6 mos old; lease default. 3 peps simultaneous; 
    .05-.25 mmol.
 ACT LabTech III: $15,000. 30-day warranty.
 Pioneer: $19,000. Includes factory install, eligible for svc. contract
 MPS unit for the Pioneer peptide synthesizer: $5,000. New and unused; 
    price = 25% of new cost.
 ACT 396 MPS: $42,000. Factory refurb; includes 120-day warranty.
 PerSeptive 9600: $13,750. Rebuilt, warranteed.
 ACT Vantage: $79,000. Excellent condition.
 ACT 357-MPS. Call for pricing.
 CEM Discover benchtop single peptide synthesizer: $17,500.
 ACT 90: $16,250. Only used twice. Incl. install; guar. eligible for svc. 
 Argonaut Quest 205: $27,000. ASW model.
 Argonaut Quest 210: $19,000. ASW model.

**Peptide sequencers:
 ABI 494 HT: $60,000. Installed, guaranteed ok for service contract.
 ABI 492: $25,000 installed, eligible for service contract.
 Beckman 6300. Various prices. Have several; can rebuild or sell for parts.
 ABI 421: $10,000. Offers considered.
 ABI 477/120: $1,500. Good working order or right of return.
 ABI 477. Service, parts available.
 ABI 473/476: $15,000. Good working order; install/service available.
 Beckman 6300 AA: $ 8,000. Rebuilt/warranteed
 ABI 470A: $2,000. For parts. Many extra parts.

*[Note: various other ABI, HP, Millipore, Biosearch, Beckman, etc. sequencers, 
synthesizers etc. available; please inquire.]

**LC/MS & MS/MS:
 Q-Star Pulsar i: price in negotiations. 2002 system. Accepts oMALDI source.
    Call/email if interested.
 Q-Star Pulsar: $170,000. Not the "i". Recently pmd. + $16K/factory install.
 Q-Star Pulsar XL: Call/email to discuss price. Hybrid Q-TOF.
 Sciex API 4000: $270,000. Running in lab now; can be tested.
 API 3000 upgrade: $38,500. Increases sensitivity and (S/N) Ratio at high
   flow rates to ~ that of an API 4000. Install incl.
 Sciex API 2000: $95,000 installed and warranteed.
 Sciex API 2000: $120,000: Incl. EPQ3 upgrade to ~ API 3000 sensitivity, 
    install & Warranty.
 Sciex API 2000 upgrade: $25,000. 4x sensitivity increase; incl. install, warr.
 Sciex API 365: $65,000. NT, turboionspray. Installed, warranteed.
 Sciex 365 w/ EP10+: $149,000. Custom upgrade; more sensitive than API 3000.
 Sciex API 365 upgrade: $109,000. 10x+ sensitivity upgrade; near-equal to 4000.
 Sciex API 150EX: $48,000. MCA upgraded to EX; identical performance. MAC; 
    NT + $10,000. Incl. install.
 Sciex NT workstation: $2,500. Use to upgrade Macs on 150, 365, 2000, 3000.
 Sciex API III+: $25,000. Triple quad: ES, APCI; +$24K/intall w/ 1 yr. warr.
 Sciex API I: $20,000. Single quad; more sensitive than the Sciex 150. 
    + $20,000/installation and 1 year service contract.
 Sciex Turboionspray source (aka ESI) for API 150, 365 or 3000: $6,250.
 Sciex MicroIon spray source: $7,900. For API 150, 300 or Q-Star. Very low flow.
 PE-ABI Mariner: $45,000. Price includes factory install.
 Agilent 1100 MSD Trap. Call to discuss price. 2001 model.
 Agilent 1100 MSD: $various. All Models (A - D) with varying sources 
    (ESI, APCI, APPI). Most any configuration. Can include install, 90-day 
    warranty and training.
 Agilent 1100 VL LC/MSD: offers considered. 2004 system.
 Finnigan Quantum AM: $320,000. 2004 system. Incl. install, 1 yr. svc.
 Finnigan Quantum: $160,000. ESI only (APCI available); factory refurbed;
    guaranteed installable. Install/warranty avail.
 Finnigan Discovery Max: $179,000. ew; specs comparable to Sciex API 3000.
    Incl. install, 1 year svc.
 Finnigan Deca XP+: $150,500. 2002; pristine; installed and calibrated but 
    never used. Includes factory install, guar. eligible for svc.
 Finnigan Deca XP: $135,000. 30000 model. Includes install and 1 year svc. 
    Factory upgrade to XP + for addt'l $14,000.
 Finnigan LCQ DECA: $67,500. ESI, Xcalibur 1.2, install, warranty incl.
 Finnigan LCQ DUO: $75,000 installed.
 Finnigan LCQ Classic: $58,500. ESI, installation, 90-day warr.
 LCQ Classic ESI source: $7,500. New/unused ESI source.
 Finnigan Navigator: $29,500. Single quad. Installed, 30-day warr.
 Finnigan TSQ 7000: $50,000. ES, Xcalibur software, installation
   and 30-day warranty. Workhorse triple quad.
 Finnigan TSQ 7000 GC/MS: $65,000. GC and LC-capable; Xcalibur.
    Install, warr. avail.
 Finnigan SSQ 7000: $45,000. ES, APCI; Excalibur 1.0; API 1 source; install incl.
 Finnigan TSQ 700: $30,000. Electrospray, APCI. Install included.
 Finnigan SSQ 710: $25,000. Electrospray, APCI, API 1, Alpha workstation,
    install included.
 Finnigan Mat ITS40W. Call to discuss price. With Varian 3400 GC + A200s 
    Auto Sampler.
 Bruker Esquire: $85,000. Ion trap. Incl. install, guaranteed.
 Hitachi M 8000: $82,000. Ion trap. 1999; excellent condition; incl. LC.
 Micromass Quattro micro API: $150,000; Complete 2000. On factory service
    contract when deinstalled.
 Micromass LCT API-oaTOF MS: $160,000. Sold new for $260,000 in July 2000.
    Includes Waters HPLC.
 Micromass Quattro LCZ: $131,500. Includes installation, warranty.
 Micromass Quattro IIZ: $149,000. Z-Spray. Includes install, warranty.
 Micromass Quattro Ultima: $125,000. VE. Z-Spray, APCI-Z, new MassLynx
 Micromass Quattro II: $150-200K. Price depends on whether you want
    installation, GC and/or HPLC.
 Micromass Q-Tof II: $185,000. Hybrid Quadrupole. Installed, eligible
    for service contract.
 MM/Waters ZMD 4000: $49,000. ESI, APCI. +$10K/factory install.
 Micromass ZABSpec Ultima OA TOF: $89,000. Mag sector/TOF hybrid. 1997
    model. Good working order.
 Micromass Autospec M: $179,000. Mag sector/TOF MS/MS. Incl. FPD, 5
    sources, guar. eligible for svc. ($700K new)
 Shimadzu 2010: offers considered. 2001 system; single quad; ESI/APCI.
 Fisons VG 2000. <$100,000.
 Fisons VG Trio: $25,000. LC + GC: 3000 amu; thermospray, EI/CI, HP 5890
    included. Install, license & 90-day warr. + $14,500.
 VG Trio 2: $7,500. Electrospray; complete; parts or fixer-upper unit.
 Nermag R10c. <$10,000. Like new; make offer.
 Finnigan MAT 90: $16,000. All parts intact, plus spares included.
 MM Autospec: call if interested. Mag Sector. TOF, MSMS, ESI, MALDI, EI/CI.
 MM Autospec S: $60,000. European install included; available in US.
 MM Autospec V: $70,000. European install included; available in US.

Mass spec sample introduction systems listed under liquid handlers, below.

*Service and service contracts available for PESciex API 3000, 365 and III+.

 Voyager DE: $45,000. Installed, guaranteed.
 Voyager DE STR: $138,500. Includes install; guaranteed eligible for
    svc contract.
 Voyager DE Pro: $109,000. Incl. factory install, certification.
 Voyager DE RP: $67,000. Extensively refurbished.
 Voyager RP: $44,000. Incl. install; service contracts avail. Will QC
    peptides; continuous extraction.
 Voyager Elite XL: offers considered. incl. Vestec Multi-gauge, Advantec
    fraction collector
 Voyager MALDI lasers: rebuilt; full warrantee; ~2/3 price of new;
    install available. Call for info.
 Micromass M at LDI LR: $79,000. 2002 linear + reflection benchtop;
    determine intact protein mass and mPMF. Install included.
 Mariner ESI-TOF: $45,000. Installed/guar. ok for factory service.
 MicroMass TOF 2e-Spec: call/email to discuss price. 1999; many options;
    good working order.
 MicroMass Q-TOF API-US: call/email to discuss price. 2002; 
    includes CapLC.
 MicroMass Q-Tof Ultima Global: call/email to discuss price. 
   Complete 2002 system.
 Micromass Reflectron: $110,000. Incl. MassPrep enclosed robotic
   sampler system. + $30,500/install.
 Micromass Q-Tof 2: $90,000. 2000 model; Nanoflow-Z CapElectrophoresis
    electrospray. Guaranteed installable.
 Micromass Q-Tof 1: $155,000. + $41K/install and license. Incl. CapLC, many 
    upgrades and extras.
 MicroMass LC-TOF: $90,000. API-LC/Orth. 2000 model. Manufacturer-certified.
 Micromass LCT. ~$155,000. API-TOF. Includes HPLC. New July 2000.
 Sequenom System: $215,000. 2001 model. Bruker BiFlex III, Oracle software, 
    SpectroCheck, Reader and Jet. Installation incl.
 Sequenom MassARRAY: offers considered. 7K system (2002), for genotyping.
    Current software.
 Bruker MicrOTOF: $195,000. 2004 model; lease default.
    Incl. install, warranty.
 Bruker Ultraflex: call/email to discuss price. Working perfectly in lab
 Bruker Reflex IV: $207,500. 2001 model; list $300K. Incl. ion source, TOF 
    analyzer, detector, two NT processing stations.
 Bruker OmniFlex: $69,750. 2000 model; all hardware upgrades; factory install,
    warranty included.
 Bruker Reflex III: $89,000. 1999 model; includes chiller, standalone AS-90.
 Bruker Biflex III: various systems available; call or email to discuss
 Bruker Proflex III: offers considered. Excellent condition.
 LaserTec II: $75,000. By PerSeptive. 5 yrs. old; excellent condition.
 Thermo-Finnigan Dynamo: $55,000. Linear DE benchtop system; 2 yrs. old; 
    pos/neg. Price includes ship, install, train, 90-day warr.
 Finnigan LaserMAT 2000: $25,000. Includes ship, install, 90-day parts warr.
 Kratos Kompact III: offers considered; call or email if interested.
 SRI custom design: $100,000. Ideal for SNP determination. Asking price.
   384 samples/20 min. Can be tested.
 Finnigan MAT Vision 2000: $80,000. Reflectron. Includes install, 1 year warranty.
 VG Tof-Spec: $6,000. Or best offer. For parts; new laser card and other
    new boards.
 Waters MALDI prep device. Offers considered. Used only once. Includes 
     plates and kits.
*Also available: service/contracts on Voyager DE, DE RP and PRO.

**GC/Other MS:
 Micromass VG70 SE: $45,000. Hi resolution GC/MS
 MSI Autoconcept: $380,000. New; multiramp temp; Agilent GC and
    Agilent or CTC autosampler. Includes install, 1 yr. warranty.
 Thermoquest GCQ: $30,000. GC/MS/MS; EI/CI; rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
 Agilent 5973/6890: $65,000. EI/CI/NCI; one year warranty.
 HP 5890 II/5970B: Offers considered. SmartCard II, software incl.
 HP 5989 MS engine: $28,500. 2000 amu mass range, pos/neg CI, APCI.
 Finnigan Trace 2000: offers considered. 1998. EI/CI, autosampler, 
    NIST library, Xcalibur
 Finnigan Magnum GC/MS Ion trap: $7,500. Incl. GC.
 Finnigan MAT GCQ: $23,000. GC/MS/MS. EI/CI.
 Finnigan MAT SOLA: $50,000. Asking price. 8 yrs. old; incl. GF, hydrides gen.
 Finnigan T-30 Newstar. Call to discuss price. FT-MS. Was $1.4M in 1997. 
    Price negotiable.
 JOEL HX 110. Call to discuss price. Tandem Mass spec.
 Micromass Platform ICP-MS: offers considered. 2001 model; 3rd collision
    gas option.

**Liquid handlers:
 MDS Sciex NanoLC systems: more useful for proteomics than LC Packings
    Nanomate. Call for info.
 Cohesive 2300 HTLC w/ CTC HTS Pal; $45,000.
 Biomek FX (core system): $450,000 good working order. Includes 3 meter 
    Orca, fluorometer, incubator, more.
 Biomek FX: $150,000. Dual-arm: span 8 and 96-well heads. Incl. ship &
    install. Was $220,000 new.
 Biomek FX: $60,000. Single arm.
 Biomek 2000 with side loader system/stacker carousel: $40,000.
 Beckman Multimek, $29,000.
 Zymark Staccato system: Subsantial discount; price depends on accessories,
   install, warranty.
 Zymark DNA Purification Workstation (2000) Asking price: $55,000.
 XP-arm based Zymarks: $10,000 and $20,000, depending on accessories.
 Tecan RSP-200/8 ID Robot Sample Processor, fully equipped: call/email if interested.
 Tecan Genesis RSP 150, no Roma, $52,000 delivered w/ 90-day warranty.
 Tecan Genesis RSP 100, $41,000 delivered w/ 90-day warranty.
 Qiagen 9600 BioRobot : $28,000. Excellent condition.
 Qiagen BioRobot 3000: offers considered. For PCR and plasmid purification.
 Packard Multiprobe 20400 and CP20400, Packard refurbed, $16,500 for either.
 Packard Multiprobe II EX: $21,000.
 Transgenomic WAVE system, $26,000 incl. installation, eligible for svc.
 LC Packings UltiMate NanoLC system w/ FAMOS autosampler, $37,300
 Dionex LC Packings UltiMate™ Capillary/Nano LC System: $77,000. Year 2002 w/
    Ultimate, Famos, Switchos, Probot, Software, complete.
 Scitec robotic liquid handling system, 3-meter rail, $60,000 guaranteed working
 Tom-Tec Quadras, various configurations, refurbished and warrantied.
 Gilson 215: call for price.
 ABI 877 Catalyst Turbo: $12,000 or best offer
 Bio-Dot sub-microliter 8-channel aspirate/dispense system (typically 
    96-well microplate source, glass slide, microwell plate or membrane 
    target), ~ 5 years old.

**Other expensive hi-tech items:

 FX90Q NMR w/ Tek-Mag, $19,500.
 Bruker AC 200 NMR: $25,000
 Bruker AC 250 NMR: $25,000; with family style magnet
 Bruker AC 270 NMR: $27,000; with line conditioner
 Bruker AC 300 NMR: $30,000
 Bruker AC 300 Plus NMR: $57,500; complete system. Incl. install, 90 day
 Bruker AM 360 NMR: $36,000; widebore with several probes.
 JEOL Eclipse 400 FT NMR: $135,750.  Shielded. Install included.
 Bruker AVANCE 400 NMR: 1998. Offers considered.
 Bruker ARX 300 NMR: $72,950. fully reconditioned and warranteed.
 Bruker AMXR 500 NMR: $175,000. Oxford 500/51 magnet system is complete;
    options avail.
 Varian Unity 400 MHz NMR: $50,000; complete 2003 system incl. console,
    magnet, Sun Sparc work station, probes.
 Varian Mercury 300Mhz: 1H,13C,19F.31P 5mm VT probehead; Oxford 54mm AlOx
    magnet; Sun Work station; Variable temp. $77,500; + $10K/US install
 Varian Unity 500 MHz NMR: $125,000; 2001 Oxford magnet incl. 4FB cryostat
    with 51mm room temperature bore, installation,30-day warranty
 Oxford magnet: $60,000; sold guaranteed operational.
 Varian 500 (unshielded), $222,000 installed/warranteed.
 Varian Unity Inova 600 MHz NMR: $520,000. 2002; 3 channel, sample robot,
    shielded Oxford.
 (we purchase old EM360s and EM390 magnets)
 Others available; inquire if interested.

*Flow cytometers:
 BD FACSVantage SE: $153,500. 2 lasers: 488nm and HeNe 633nm; CycloneCyt option. 
 BD FACSCalibur: $66,500. 4 color, Mac G3, Software, installed, warranteed
 BD FACSCalibur w/ FACSLoader: $76,500. 4 color; 1997; installed, warranteed.
 BD FACScan: $46,400. 3 color, complete, refurbed, installed, warranteed.
 BD FACSCount; $19,500. Complete, refurbed, installed, eligible for service contract.
 BD FACSort Cell Sorter, $39,500. 3 color, PowerMac, FACSComp V4.1, CellQuest.
    Install included.
 BD FACStar Plus: Offers Invited. G4, Module, Optical Benches, Dual Lasers, Dual
    Oscilloscope, FACSAutomate.
 Coulter EPICS XL-MCL: $45,000. 4 color with Multi Carousel Loader, rebuilt,
    installation, one-year warranty.
 Coulter EPICS XL: $35,000. 4 color. Includes installation and one-year warranty.
 Coulter EPICS ELITE: $29,900. New light filters, enhanced 3x optics upgrade, CPU 
 Coulter EPICS PROFILE II: $6,5000. Software, Second Unit included free.
 Coulter EPICS ALTRA: Offers invited. 1998 Cell sorter, maintained by BD engineers.
 Coulter MAXM Hematology Flow Cytometer: Offers invited.
 Compucyte LSC® Laser Scanning Cytometer: Microscope-based. Two-laser system. 
    guaranteed installable.
 DakoCytomation CyAn ADP S2535: call to discuss price. 2002, 7 color, advanced
    digital processor, 9 parameters.
 Others available; inquire if interested.

 Affymetrix GCS 3000, Fluidics Station 450, Hybe Oven, < 1 yr old, still under
    svc contract. Call to discuss price.
 SpotBot Personal Microarrayer, $9,750. 2002; excellent condition.
 HP GeneArray G2500A reader w/ laser, $22,000, including new data system 
    but no fluidics station.
 Affymetrix 417 Arrayer/spotter: seller considering rather low offers; 
    call if interested. 
 Affymetrix 417 Arrayer/spotter: $34,500 reconditioned with 1 year warranty
 HP/Affymetrix GeneArray Scanner Model G2500A, unused, $49,000.
 CELLOMICS ScanArray HCS: 2003 model. Factory install, license
    discount available; offers considered.
 Packard ScanArray 4000: $39,250. 2000 instrument. Incl. factory install; 
    eligible for service contract.
 Packard ScanArray 3000: $17,250. Incl. factory install; eligible for 
    service contract.
 Genomic Solutions GeneTAC microarray Hybridization Station: $23,000. 12 slide 
    like new. (for details see www.genomicsolutions.com/products/bio/hyb.html)
 Amersham Lucidea SLIDE PRO Hybridization Station: $18,500.
 Ciphergen ProteinChip Reader PBS II: $65,000. Current upgrades; includes
    factory install, 30-day warranty.

*Capillary Electrophoresis:
 Spectrumedix Reveal: $100,000. 96 capillary 9610 TGCE, < 2 yrs old, mutation
    discovery system; still under extended warranty. New price: $231,000.
    For more details, see http://www.spectrumedix.com/Reveal.htm.
 Beckman CEQ 8000 Genetic Analysis System CE: $43,000. Install, warranty included.
 Beckman P/ACE MDQ CE: $24,000
 Beckman P/ACE 5510: $19,500. Refurbed, installed, 90 day warranty.
 Beckman P/ACE 5000 UV System: offers considered. Computer, UV-vis Detector, 

    Gold Software.
 Beckman P/ACE 5010: $19,500. Installation included.
 Beckman P/ACE 2200: Offers considered.
 Agilent G1600AX 3D CE: $19,900. Newer system, complete and in excellent condition.
 Agilent G1602A CE: $19,900. 2002 model; complete and in excellent condition.
 Applied Biosystems 270A-HT CE: $2,995. High Throughput CE. Excellent condition.
 Malvern Zetasizer 3000 DTS-5301 CE with MPT1 Titrator: $23,000. 2000 model.
 BioRad Chef Mapper XA: $16,250. Complete; never used/like new.
 BioRad Biofocus 3000 CE: $13,500. 1994 model.
 BioRad BioPulse CE: $5,500.00.

*Spot pickers:
 GS Progest digestion robot, $31,750 incl. factory install.
 Genomic Solutions Pro-Pic FLX 51001, $54,500 installed.
 Genetix QPix2 benchtop: $79,570 installed. Incl. 96-well picking head,
    gridding option, etc; Q-Fill optional.
 Genetix QBot picker/arrayer: $49,000.
 BioRobotics BioPick automatic colony picker. Excellent condition. ~$60,000
 Genomic Solutions Flexys; much less than new price; call/email if interested.

 Zeiss 510 LSM NLO Axioplan 2 Confocal scope: offers considered. 2001;
    multiphoton-ready, new Argon laser, 2 HeNe Lasers, 3 PMTs, floating motorized
    microscope table monitor diode, automated stage.
 ZEISS Axioskop Trinocular Microscope, $24,650 For phase contrast, DIC and 
 Zeiss Plan-Neofluar objective: call for price. Oil 63x, 1.25, WD=.017 mm.
    Used only 3x.
 Cambridge Stereoscope S90B SEM w/ Kevex EDX: $25,000. Incl. secondary
    and backscattering detectors, Polaroid system, some options, factory
    installation. Working now. Optional one year service sontracts available.
 Meridian ACAS 570C LSCM. Other Laser Scanning Confocal microscopes available,
    call or email for list.
 Cambridge Stereoscope S90B SEM w/ Kevex EDX: $10,000. Incl. secondary and
    backscattering detectors, Polaroid system, some options. Working now.
 Various (SEM) Scanning Electron Microscopes, $9,500-$375,000. Call or email 
for list.
 Various (TEM) Transmission Electron Microscopes; call or email for list.
 FEI Tecnai-12 TEM: $275,000. Like new; many options.
 Various (AFM) Atomic Force Microscopes: Veeco, Digital Instruments,
   Park Scientific, Topometrix, etc. Call or email for list.; call or email for 
 Various surgical, neuro surgical microscopes, call or email for list.
 Various optical microscopes, call or email for list.

*Truly miscellaneous:
 Millipore K-Prime 40 BioChromatography system: offers considered. New/unused
    2004 system.
 Biacore SPR 2000: $155,000. Remanufactured by Biacore in 2002 and currently
    under service contract.
 Perkin Elmer/Wallac ViewLux HTS Microplate Imager: $250,000. Was $450K new.
 Argonaut Nautilus 2400 solid phase organic synthesizer: $50,000.
    Good working order.
 Thermo Kevex Omicron XRF: $45,750. Excellent condition. Includes installation.
 Kevex XRF: dead tube. For parts. Inquire if interested.
 Ventana Discovery Hyb System: advanced slide staining platform for target
    and compount drug discovery. Check www.ventanadiscovery.com. Call/
    email to discuss price.
 Molecular Devices/LJL Biosystems Criterion Analyst HT System: $35,000.
 Amersham Typhoon 8600 scanner: $45,000.
 Amersham Storm 860: $28,000.
 Perkin Elmer 1010M Micro Densitometer: was $325,000 new. Now in Japan.
    Call if interested. 
 Amersham FARCyte/Tecan Ultra fluorescence plate reader, new in box,
    $50,000. List: $80K.
 Packard 50TR flow scintillation analyzer. Call for price. Brand new, unused.
 Accutag Radio Frequency Reader/10k Automated Microreactor Sorting System,
 Genevac's Mega 1200 ultra high throughput solvent evaporation system,
    1.5 yrs old but unused, $200,000 or best offer. 
 New Brunswick Bioflo 3000 bioreactor: $18,900. 10 liter; new probes;
    90-day warr.
 New Brunswick MicroFerm fermentor (MF-114): $6,500. 14 liter,
    with agitation.
 Process Engineers 29 liter mammalian cell bioreactor, new/unused, ~$35,000
    or best offer.
*(other bioreactors/fermenters available; inquire if interested.)

**Too hard to classify:
 Varian CP 3800 GC: call/email for price. 2002; excellent condition;
    used only 3 mos.
 Li-Cor Odyssey: $25,000 ($40K new). Guaranteed good working order. See 
    <http://bio.licor.com/Odyssey2/Odyssey1.htm> for specs.
 BioCAD 60s and 700es w/ 90-day warr. available for $15-22,000, depending.
 ABI VISION Workstation: $42,000 (souped-up BioCAD; see AB website for 
 Agilent 8453 Spectrophotometer (2000): $7,000. New in the box.
 New Brunswick Fermentor MicroFerm (MF-114), $6,500. 14 liter, with agitation.
 Luminex LX100 (simultaneous assay of multiple analytes): $29,000.
 Glycoprep 1000 automated hydrazinolysis machine: $9,000; good working order
 Packard Topcount 12-detector 96 well microplate scintillation counter, $35,000
 Thermo Elemtal Solaar 5M AA: $15,750. Brand new, still in the crate and 
    never opened. 2001
 ABI 120 HPLC, $1,500
 ABI 877: have several; different configs, prices, none very expensive; call
 PE 9600 thermalcyclers: $3,750 w/ 90-day warranty
 PE 9700 96-well thermalcyclers: $4,500 w/ 90-day warranty
 PE 9700 384-well thermalcyclers: $5,450 w/ 1 yr. warranty
 PE 2400 thermalcyclers: $2,450 w/ 90-day warranty
 PE 480 thermalcyclers: $3,000 guaranteed working; have several
 MD PhosphorImager Storm 860, $27,000.
 Three MD Phosphor Imager Storage Screens w/ exposure cassettes for SI,
    $600 ea. Mint condition
 MD FSI FluorImager, $15,000

 We rebuild valve blocks for ABI 430, 431 & 39x @ $65/port, 90-day warranty
 Service and contracts on ABI 39n and PerSeptive 8909/8905s available.
 Service contracts on Hewlett Packard HPLCs, GCs and MSs available at a
     savings over HP rates

**Also available:  
 Agilent 1100 HPLCs, virtually all configurations/detectors.
 HPLCs, ICs, CEs, FPLCs: microbore to prep scale.
 A variety of other lab instruments.
 Call or check the website: www. grizzlyanalytical. com.
Please call or email for more information or if you have items to sell.

Michael Sherrell
Grizzly Analytical (USA)
707 887 2919/fax 707 887 9834

[All the items are subject to prior sale.]

[If you do not wish to receive my emails, please return this with "Stop" in the 
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