Dear Sirs:
We are manufacturers of DAC 3000, Hypodermic Needle Destroyer=2E
This equipment was designed to prevent contagion of infectious diseases ca=
used by accidental pricks, just after use of any kind of needles=2E
DAC 3000 is very safe and very easy to use=2E It fulfills all the electric=
al security standards required by the European Community market=2E
Regarding CE Declaration of Conformity, this is according ISO Guide 22 and=
EN 45014=2E DAC 3000 fall under sanitary product of low risk classificati=
on (Sanitary Product Class 1)=2E This classification allows us to commerc=
ialize our product guaranteed by the Declaration of Conformity=2E
We offer you distributionship in your country or marketing area=2E
Foe more information, feel free to contact us=2E
Horacio H=2E Gaetano
Sales Manager