[Immunology] Position available

Srinivasan, Mythily mysriniv at iupui.edu
Mon Nov 14 19:24:19 EST 2005

A fully funded research position is available in the Cancer Biology and Immunology Laboratory at the Indiana University and Purdue University, Indianapolis. The fellow will work on projects related to T cell immunology and innate immune responses with respect to human autoimmune diseases. The potential candidate will have a PhD in cellular biology, immunogy or related areas or will have a MS degree with two-three years of work experience. Experience in handling mice is essential. Indiana University is an equal opportunity employer.
Interested individuals should submit electronically a C.V. with names of three references to
Julie Lehunt,
Administrative Specialist,
Oral Pathology, medicine and radiology,
Indiana University School of Dentistry,
1121, West Michigan Street,
Indianapolis, In 46202.
Ph: 317 274 5141
Fax: 317 278 3018
E-mail: jlehunt at iupui.edu

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