**** Please respond directly to me as I am not a subscriber to the immuno
We are wanting to use human serum albumin (HAS) as a carrier for a vaccine
in humans, but will need to run toxicity trials in mice and/or rabbits. One
problem could be the supposed hyperimmune/allergic response in mice to HSA:
after the first jab, we are concerned that the mice (or a significant
proportion of them) could develop anaphylaxis. Anyone come across this at
all in mice (especially) and rabbits?
I have been spectacularly unsuccessful in finding any particularly useful
literature on this - so if anyone could point me in the direction of any
papers that would be a tremendous help.
Many thanks for you help.
Peter Billingsley
Dr Peter F Billingsley
School of Biological Sciences
University of Aberdeen
Tillydrone Avenue
Aberdeen AB24 2TZ, UK
Current telephone numbers: (+1) 301 770 3222
(+1) 301 496 2590
Cell/mobile phone (+1) 240-449-5191