[Immunology] Non radioactive Cytotoxic activity assay

Eniafe, Rhoda (NIH/NHLBI) [E] eniafer at nhlbi.nih.gov
Fri Apr 7 10:49:51 EST 2006

Hello David, 

I have been try to use Calcein-AM in Cytotoxic assay, but I am having
problem with leakage and inconsistencies with the killing assay, do you
encounter this kind of problem(s) and what are the steps you take to
prevent it.



	Rhoda Eniafe, MT(ASCP)
	Stem Cell Allogeneic Transplantation Section
Mail address: Bldg 10 (CRC), Rm. 3E-5288, MSC 1202
	Office address: Bldg 10 (CRC), Rm. 3E-5288
	Phone# 301-435-2624; Fax# 301-480-2664
	email: eniafer at nhlbi.nih.gov

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