[Immunology] LPS stimulated cell growth

Tim Tee via immuno%40net.bio.net (by timcttee At gmail.com)
Mon Nov 6 22:39:14 EST 2006

I am currently working on the human PBMC. The concanavalin A stimulated PBMC
showed high proliferation rate, but the LPS stimulated PBMC had similar
proliferation rate with the unstimulated one. Is different LPS source
stimulate PBMC growth differently? I am using the LPS from Escheriachia
coli, 055:B5, Sigma. What are the possible reasons for low cell
proliferation for LPS stimulated PBMC?

Thank you.

Tim Tee
Dept. of Pharmacy
Fac of Medicine
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur

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