>I am looking for a source for an antibody which will neutralize the
>activity of IL-6 in the rat. I haven't had any luck with my usual
>sources in finding anti-rat IL-6 or IL-6R. Any suggestions would be
>Please E-mail me the name and address of the commercial distributor
>generous donor.
>Thank you,
PD. FOr rat use only please
Q.F.B. Rene Javier Hernandez Bautista
Laboratorio de Investigaciones Químico Clínicas
Facultad de Ciencias Químicas
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
e-mail: [1]atkinspeackoc At hotmail.com
Tel. Trabajo: (222) 229-5500 Ext. 7483
Tel/Fax Particular (222) 2 28 71 78
Prodigy/MSN Hotmail Plus. Más espacio, más funcional [2]Haz clic aquí
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