[Immunology] need some information on haptens

nitin chauhan via immuno%40net.bio.net (by nitin_pinku from yahoo.com)
Tue Apr 10 14:43:22 EST 2007

i am a student of forensic science at national institute of criminology and forensic science at delhi India 
sir i am working on blood grouping and DNA profiling from saliva 
    i would like to have some information regarding the blood grouping from saliva using haptens 
my queries are 
1. what kind of heptens are present in saliva 
2. how they can be help full in determining blood groups
3. what is the genetics behind it 
4. please provide refrences regarding research on blood grouping by haptens

sukirti khanna
e-mail - sukirti.khanna from gmail.com

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