[Immunology] something about MACS

Jing Wei via immuno%40net.bio.net (by jing.wei from helsinki.fi)
Wed Jan 14 19:20:25 EST 2009

could you help with this problem?

I am doing MACS now and the result is not very good. Do you have good  
result with MACS on cell proliferation? Does the beads have some  
effect on the cells. In my experiment the cell will pass the colums 5  
times will this do harm to the cell?

Thank you very much and it will be a great help for me.

Best regards,

Jing Wei, B.Sc
Petri Salven laboratory
Institute of Biomedicine/
Center of Excellence in Cancer Biology
Biomedicum, 5th floor (B509b)
P.O.B 63
00014 University of Helsinki

email: jing.wei from helsinki.fi
phone: +358919125385

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