[Immunology] Question about NBT assay?

Luis Antonio Ochoa Ramírez via immuno%40net.bio.net (by ant127 from hotmail.com)
Tue Jun 29 15:30:27 EST 2010

I'm trying to perform a NBT assay to measure O2 production from monocytes. I don't have much experience in this but so far I know that I need a NBT saturated solution + PMA. My question is: what concentration of those reagents should I use? 
About the solvent, I have considered two options: RPMI 1640 + 10% FCS or Hank's balanced salt solution (+Ca, +Mg), but I haven't decided.
By the way, it's for a colorimetric test. 
Any help about one or both of my questions would be really appreciated.

Biol. Luis Antonio Ochoa Ramírez

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