Dear Navasin,
In reply to your e-mail can inform you it's all the same product only different brand names and to make it more complicated thinking of offering same product but under the name Ticol400 at half the price you paid.
If you are interested then please let us know.
Trust this answers your question.
Kindest regards
Daniel van Akkeren
Tico Europe Ltd
Straat van Makassar 65
1183 GZ - Amstelveen
The Netherlands
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: immuno-bounces from [mailto:immuno-bounces from] Namens Navasin Saleem
Verzonden: vrijdag 24 september 2010 14:01
Aan: immuno from; immuno from
Onderwerp: [Immunology] Human Peripheral blood's Neutrophil isolation
i need to know what are the differences between ficoll400, ficoll-hypaque and
ficol-paque in neutrophil isolation? which one do i use? is it true that they
are the same product?
i need to isolate neutrophil cells from human peripheral blood but i can't get
ficoll-hypaque which most researchers use due to the difficulties in
obtaining it in my country.
would you help me please to figure out the solution for my problem?
best regards
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