[Immunology] Human Peripheral blood's Neutrophil isolation

Roberto Angelini via immuno%40net.bio.net (by torcion_99 from hotmail.com)
Tue Nov 26 10:20:37 EST 2013

Dear Bryan,

I am using your protocol for Neutrophiles isolation:


I just needed a fast method to eliminate erythrocytes and it works 
finely to me. I am trying to set up a MALDI-MS method of lipid analysis 
for the screening of Barth Syndrome. (Briefly) It is a rare disease 
caused by the lack of cardiolipin in mitochondria, so I had to eliminate 
erythrocytes because they do not have mitochondria. I have two questions 
for you:

1- Are you sure that the hypotonic lysis step eliminates also platelets?
2- Can you suggest me a paper of yours where this protocol has been used 
so I can cite it?

Best regards and many thanks!

Roberto Angelini
Università degli Studi di Bari.
Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche di Base, Neuroscienze e organi di senso
P.za G. Cesare, 70124, Bari, ITALY
tel +39 0805448504

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