[Immunology] CfP AIS 2015 - International Workshop on Artificial Immune Systems, 15-18 July 2015, Taormina, Italy

Mario Pavone via immuno%40net.bio.net (by mpavone from dmi.unict.it)
Sun Dec 14 15:44:45 EST 2014

** Apologies for cross-posting **
** Please forward to anybody who might be interested. **

International Workshop on Artificial Immune Systems
- Systems & Synthetic Immunology, Computational Immunology &  
Immune-Inspired Engineering -
July 17-18, 2015 - Taormina, Italy

ais2015 from ieee-cis-ais.org

**** PLENARY SPEAKERS: Hugues Bersini & Alessandro Sette.

**** PROCEEDINGS in IEEE Press, as post-proceedings

**** SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 18th February 2015

** General Information **

The main aim of AIS 2015 is to foster the essential relations between  
immunologists and modelers that work into the research areas of  
systems immunology, synthetic immunology, computational immunology,  
cellular immunology, immune-inspired computation and immune-inspired  
engineering. In addition to peer-reviewed papers, the workshop will  
present a range of plenary lectures in order to inspire and facilitate  
all AIS researchers in their current and future work.

The workshop is under the patronage of IEEE CIS Task Force on  
Artificial Immune Systems (http://ieee-cis-ais.org) and it is  
co-sponsored by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society  

*** You are invited to submit papers to this exciting event! ***

** Important Dates **

- Abstract submission:        18th February 2015
- Regular Paper submission:   18th February 2015
- Abstract Notification:      26th March 2015
- Regular Paper notification: 26th March 2015
- Camera-ready submission:    16th April 2015
- Early Registration:         20th April 2015

** Plenary Speakers **

- Hugues Bersini, IRIDIA, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

- Alessandro Sette, La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology, La Jolla, USA

More speakers to be announced

** Paper Submission **

Authors are encouraged to submit novel contributions in one of the  
main topics of AIS 2015, and explain how their work sheds light on the  
fundamental properties of natural and artificial immune system, and  
makes progress on the important open questions of systems & synthetic  
immunology, computational immunology, and immune-inspired engineering.

AIS 2015 includes three different types of submission:
1) *regular paper*: 8-pages maximum length, including figures, table &  
references. It should report on new and unpublished work;
2) *abstract*: max 2 pages length;
3) *Oral/Poster presentations*: no pages restriction. It should  
discuss works in progress; new research ideas; works previously  
published elsewhere (it is essential that a reference to the previous  
article is clearly cited); and all that may be relevant and fruitful  
for soliciting discussions at the workshop.

All the submitted papers must be formatted using IEEE style  
(http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html). Note that the format is exactly the same for all  

All submissions will be subject to peer review by the program  
committee, and all accepted submissions are allocated either an oral  
presentation slot or a poster slot with no distinction being made  
between the submission options.

** Proceedings - IEEE press **

All accepted papers for the first two options will be published in a  
volume by IEEE Press, whilst all accepted papers relative to the last  
option will be published in an electronic book, and it will put online  
in the workshop website.

The authors of the best papers will have the opportunity to publish a  
revised and expanded version of their conference paper in  
international journal (TBA).

** Location **

The conference will be held in Taormina  

All information about venue and accommodation may be found at the  
following links:



ais2015 from ieee-cis-ais.org

Looking forward to welcoming you to Taormina in July 2015.
    Carlos A. Coello Coello, Vincenzo Cutello, Doheon Lee, and Mario Pavone.

Dr. Mario Pavone (PhD)
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Catania
V.le A. Doria 6 - 95125 Catania, Italy
tel: 0039 095 7383038
fax: 0039 095 330094
Email: mpavone from dmi.unict.it
International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School
* Biology meets Engineering and Computer Science *
July 5-9, 2015 - Taormina, Italy
International Workshop on Artificial Immune Systems
* Systems & Synthetic Immunology, Computational Immunology,
         Immune-Inspired Engineering *
July 17-18, 2015 - Taormina, Italy
12th European Conference on Artificial Life - ECAL 2013
September 2-6, 2013 - Taormina, Italy

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