Canadian Uronet members

Susan Duhon, IU Axolotl Colony duhon at INDIANA.EDU
Wed Nov 16 08:37:51 EST 1994

This is Malacinski, in Pisa, Italy, visiting the amphibian
Dr. Boris Kablar has probably written to many of you. He is
searching for a postdoctoral slot--working on Urodeles--
in Canada. (He has already obtained a work permit for Canada)
I call him to your attention. He is bright, friendly and--
according to the people here--a quick learner. A natural
communicator-- his English is "native"-- he is outgoing and
talkative. Originally from Croatia, he has been here in Pisa
for the past couple of years. I`d be delighted to have him in 
my laboratory. He is, however, committed to going to Canada.
Cheers, GMM
Contact him by e-mail, if you are interested, at 

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