Pleurodeles waltl nomenclature

Francisco J. Saez gcpsacrf at lg.ehu.es
Wed Jun 14 06:24:35 EST 1995

Dear Urodeles netters,
Somebody knows what is correct name of the spanish salamander? 
Pleurodeles waltl or Pleurodeles waltlii? And the more important question: 
Somebody can help me?
Thank you very much in advance

Francisco J. Saez				  Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Universidad del Pais Vasco			      ___	     ___
Departamento de Biologia Celular y		     |   \___	    |___\-\_
Ciencias Morfologicas				     |    ___]      __  |   |
Facultad de Medicina				     |   [_    __  [_ |_|   |
E-48940 Leioa (Vizcaya)				     |__  _]  [_ |___]     /
SPAIN						        | [_    |   ______/
							|___ \__|  |
E-mail: GCPSACRF at LG.EHU.ES				    |      |
Fax: 34 - 4 464 89 66					eman ta zabal zazu

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