HNK-1 in axolotl?

Steve Scadding scadding at uoguelph.ca
Sat Jun 17 18:24:58 EST 1995

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Hope that helps,
...Steve Scadding

Steven R. Scadding,                 Phone: 519-824-4120 Ext. 3334
Department of Zoology,              Fax:  519-767-1656
University of Guelph,
Guelph, Ontario,                    Email: scadding at uoguelph.CA

On 17 Jun 1995, John Armstrong wrote:

> Actually, I've got 2 questions:
> 1) Has anyone tried HNK-1 antibodies on the axolotl? If so, with what
>    success?
> 2) I understand the zebrafish people have a list similar to ours. Does
>    anyone here know how to get on? (and are the discussions of either
>    group archived?)
> Thanks, in advance, for any help.
> John Armstrong        e-mail: jbarm at acadvm1.uottawa.ca
> Department of Biology
> University of Ottawa
> Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5

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