HNK-1 in axolotl?

Steve Scadding scadding at uoguelph.ca
Tue Jun 20 10:47:09 EST 1995

> 2) I understand the zebrafish people have a list similar to ours. Does
>    anyone here know how to get on? (and are the discussions of either
>    group archived?)
> Thanks, in advance, for any help.
> John Armstrong        e-mail: jbarm at acadvm1.uottawa.ca
> Department of Biology
> University of Ottawa
> Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5

Yes, the zebrafish list is archived (and so is the urodele list).
Both can be reached at:


You can then select either zbrafish or urodeles from the menu.  This 
then gives you a list of dates by year and month and you can select 
the year and month of postings which you would like to see.

Hope this helps.
..Steve Scadding

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