Prof Pieter Nieuwkoop (fwd)

Richard Gordon gordonr at cc.UManitoba.CA
Fri Sep 20 09:56:50 EST 1996

Dear Han, There are many of us around the world who will mourn him. 
Thanks for letting us know. -Dick

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 96 11:27:03 METDST
From: Johannes G. Schilthuis <han at hubrecht.nl>
To: gordonr at cc.UManitoba.CA
Subject: Prof Pieter Nieuwkoop

Dear prof Gordon
To my great regret, I have to inform you of the death of our deeply respected
former director and revered colleague, prof Pieter Nieuwkoop. He died 
wednesday last, Sept 18, 1996. Possibly you had heard already, but I thought 
it might important to tell you anyway. Although he had been ill for several 
weeks, his death still came very unexpected. His loss is felt very acutely by 
most of us here at the institute, and we are all very sad right now. 
I am very sorry to have to tell you such bad news, as I am sure we had all 
hoped to have him with us for very many more years.
Yours sincerely,
Han Schilthuis
Johannes G. (Han) Schilthuis         <han at hl99.hubrecht.nl>
Netherlands Institute for Developmental Biology
Hubrecht Laboratory
Uppsalalaan 8       3584 CT Utrecht       the Netherlands
telephone +31 (0)30 510211    telefax +31 (0)30 516464

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