axolotl limb development

MATTHEW JOHN WHITBREAD mjw4 at aber.ac.uk
Sun Feb 9 17:29:55 EST 1997

Hello, I am a third year undergraduate student at the University of 
Wales, Aberystwyth (U.K.) As part of my degree I have to do a research 
project, and as I am interested in amphibians I decided to study the limb 
development in the Axolotl. I am aware that digits one and two develop on 
the fore limbs first and am interested to know if there are any selective 
pressures behind this. Is there any advantage to developing digits one 
and two first, does this provide any advantage in the axolotls natural 
environment? I would be grateful if you could provide any information 
on this subject.I would also be grateful for further contacts.           
                Thanks, Matthew Whitbread.
My e-mail address is  mjw4 at aber.ac.uk

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