Plethodon Shenandoah

NEWSMGR at selu.edu NEWSMGR at selu.edu
Mon Jan 13 18:32:22 EST 1997

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Newsgroups: bionet.organisms.urodeles
Subject: Plethodon Shenandoah
Message-ID: <01bbfdc1$8a58a000$0b37d7cd at default>
From: "David A. Sealine" <Rltr4u at illuminet.net>
Date: 8 Jan 1997 23:58:50 GMT
Organization: Gateway 2000
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I am a high school student in Stafford Virginia.  I am doing a Biology
project on the Shenandoah Salamander or "Plethodon shenandoah".  I have
looked and e-mailed a lot of places.  I find information on this but it's
always the same thing.  I was wondering if you could tell me what it eats
and basically how it lives.  I would appreciate any help. 

                                        Thank you,
                                        Meredyth Sealine

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