Could you help

Victor Gasso serega at zoolog.dp.ua
Tue Apr 28 21:05:20 EST 1998

Dear colleagues,

Working out a part of scientific project I have faced to the question:
Are there any evidences of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Mn or any other)
impact on urodeles embrio development?

Would you be so kind as to inform me your opinion, references, names and
addresses of researches or any other relevant information.

May be you have information on any other environmental agents impact on
embrios development. I would be greatly obliged receiving your reply.

Thank you.
Sincerely yours,

Victor Y. GASSO,
Ukrainian DAPTF WG International Coordinator

Dept. of Zoology & Ecology
Dnepropetrovsk State University
pereulok Nauchny 13
320050 Dnepropetrovsk

Tel. +380 (562) 469282
Fax: +380 (562) 465523
E-mail: serega at zoolog.dp.ua

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