
Ignacio A. Ramos Aparicio iara1 at alu.um.es
Wed Feb 4 08:44:31 EST 1998

Dear friends :

I,  as you,  am very interested in herpetos,topcoat (and with difference)
in urodeles. I have by spells iberic urodoles ,to observe to reproduce,
and to return the newborn and newmetamorphosed  to the liberty. I am a
student of veterinary,  ( 4=A7 course ),of the few in Spain that is
interested in newts,in fact the majority of the students of veterinary do
not know what are them,  or as many describe it as " lizard".

I Have reproduced :
 Gallipato (Pleurodeles waltl)
 Triton palmeado (Triturus helveticus)
 Triton jaspeado (Triturus marmoratus)
 Triton iberico  (Triturus boscai )
 Salamander comun ( Salamandra salamandra bejarae> )
 Upon starting my liking by the newts, I had problems inSummer with the
temperatures ( very high in my place of residence ( Cartagena,SE Spain).
But they got better with the inversion of seasonal cycles (in summer
introduced in the refrigerator).

Good,  without most,only to tell you that I=EFm very happy to have me post =
contact with you,  and expect that in the future we are keeping the contact
to interchange information about this subject.

 Ignacio A. Ramos Aparicio
 iara1 at alu.um.es

P. D. :I Expect that you excuse my enough bad english.

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