Adult axolotls available

Steve Scadding scadding at uoguelph.ca
Fri May 29 10:41:36 EST 1998

I currently have about 75 adult axolotls that I expect will be surplus
to my needs by the end of the summer.  There are about 25 each of
whites, albinos and wild type.  They are in good health and about 2-4
years old.  I anticipate disposing of most of them and would rather give
them away to someone who can use them rather than euthanizing them.

Given our Animal Care Policies at Guelph, I can only offer them to other
institutions (university labs, zoos, etc.) and not to individuals.  Due
to problems with international shipping (having to get a CITES permit,
etc.), I would rather find them a home in Canada if possible.

I am willing to provide them gratis to anyone who can use them, but I
would expect the recipient to pay for the shipping.

Anyone interested?

Steve Scadding,
Department of Zoology, University of Guelph

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