>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 15:15:12 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Lionel Jaffe <ljaffe at mbl.edu>
>> Background: This is an effort to better understand the remarkable
>surface contraction wave seen to accompany primary neural induction in
>axolotls by Brodland, Gordon et al as reported in the Journal of Morphology
>a few years ago. In some anurans - particularly in Xenopus laevis through
>the work of Ray Keller* and others - there is a consensus that most of
>neural induction occurs via a so-called planar process which proceeds
>within and along the ectoderm. In Rana, however, there is strong evidence
>- through the work of Igor Dawid* & others - that most of it occurs by a
>vertical process that proceeds from the underlying mesoderm out into the
> Question: What if anything is known about this issue (of planar
>versus vertical induction) in the axolotl or other urodeles?
> Motive: To help me write a review for BioEssays on the roles of
>calcium in organizing development...This in turn IS motivated by curiousity
>but ALSO out of a wish to revive interest and funding in the physiology and
>biophysics of development....As part of that same effort, I organized the
>first Gordon Conference on Developmental Physiology which was held this
>last August 2-7, 1998....The response - including NIH funding - was so
>enthusiastic as to encourage the notion that the tide is beginning to turn
>back towards more holistic and biophysical concerns...
> Cheers,
> Lionel Jaffe
> E-Mail: LJaffe at MBL.edu>>*Who fuse molecular and holistic approaches.
On this topic (planar induction Vs vertical induction) you may contact Horst
Grunz, who, as far as I know, has recently done some work on urodeles. His
email is:
h.grunz at uni-essen.de
see also Nieuwkoop and Koster paper in Dev Growth Differ. (1995) 37: 653-668
Cheers, Robert
Robert Vignali
Dipartimento di Fisiologia e Biochimica
Laboratorio di Biologia Cellulare e dello Sviluppo
Via Carducci 13, La Fontina
56010 Ghezzano (PI)
Fax +39 50 878486
Ph +39 50 878356